1916 出生、寺の住職の養子となる
1930年代 文学・哲学・芸術を学び、日本及び欧州を巡る。
1942 思想犯として投獄されるも、日本統治下だったベトナムへ、軍属として強制配備される。
1948 帰国後、画家の非左子と結婚。名古屋市中村区米屋町に居を構える。家田造形美術研究所を開設。
1950 一人娘聖子誕生
1952 学生、芸術家、経済人、文化人、ジャーナリストなどの交流の場となる喫茶「オ・シャレ」を開く。
1955 地元鉄道会社の企画チームに参加しテーマパーク「明治村」の実現に尽力する。非左子の開く児童絵画教室をサポート。
1960 店舗デザイン・企画事業を手掛ける。
1966 和幸デザインの画廊喫茶「アテナ」(名古屋市中区矢場町)は、作品発表及び和幸の講義の場となり、様々な分野の人々に影響を与える。
1967 岐阜県各務原市の川岸にある山中に住居アトリエ件ギャラリーを構える。
1995 体調を崩し闘病生活へ。
2002 85歳にて没する。
1916 Born.
Adopted by a relative at a temple.
1930's Studied literature, philosophy, and art, and traveled in Japan and Europe.
1942 Imprisoned as a thought criminal, but sent to Vietnam under Japanese rule as a military officer stationed there.
1948 Returned to Japan and married Hisako, a painter. Settles in Nakamura-ku, Nagoya.
Founded Ieda Zokei Bijutsu Kenkyujo (Ieda Modeling and Art Institute).
1950. His only daughter, Seiko, was born.
1952 Opened"Au Share," a café where students, artists, businessmen, cultural figures, journalists, and others gather.
1955 Joined the planning team of a local railroad company and contributed to the realization of the theme park "Meiji-Mura".
Cooperated in children's painting classes organized by Hisako.
1960 Engaged in store design and planning business.
1966 Wako designed the gallery-cafe "Athena" (Yaba-cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya City), which became a venue for Wako to present his works and give lectures, influencing various fields.
1967 Established a residence, studio, and gallery in the mountains of river side, Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture.
Held children's painting classes in Kakamigahara City and Iwakura City, Aichi Prefecture.
1995. Fell ill and received medical treatment.
2002. Died at the age of 85.